You’ve invested in your IT infrastructure. You’ve created a company-wide IT policy. Now what?
It’s a team effort to protect your IT infrastructure. Here are the do’s and don’ts to protect your efforts and give you freedom from worry:
Do not leave computers unattended. Whether it’s financial information, emails, or social media sites all staff should log off or lock laptops or computers when they walk away from your desk. When you go grab a coffee. When you go 15 feet away for some watercooler chat. Always lock your info. Its as simple as pressing CTRL-ALT-DELETE on a PC and Control–Shift–Power on a Mac. On a mobile device, it’s also a good idea to lock the screen when you are done with it.
Do ensure anti-virus software is installed on all computers. Casual lunchtime surfing can land your company in hot water quick. Malware or malicious software comes in a number of forms: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware. It’s all bad. And the best way to prevent it is anti-virus software.
Do not share passwords for applications with anybody. This sounds obvious, and hopefully, every employee has followed the basic rules of password picking. Your password is your password. Don’t. Tell. A. Soul. Not your boss or your co-worker, not even your mom.
Do make sure everyone reads and signs off on the company IT policy. You wrote that policy for a reason. It will keep your IT infrastructure safe by protecting you from malware and other viruses.
Do not store confidential company information on flash drives or Dropbox accounts. These data storing systems can be insecure. Cloud-based storage will give you the security you need and the flexibility to access your data from everywhere. Storing your company information on a flash drive that goes missing is like a bad Hollywood movie.